Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Top 10 Reasons Why Helsinki Is Better Than STL!

So here is my top 10 reasons why Helsinki is better than STL:

1. Public Transportation: It actually works here!
2. Stool Samples: Oh Finland, they still require feces to tell what is wrong with you.
3. Snow, not Ice. Snow is great, Ice sucks.
4. Free plotting! Yes!
5. 2 Euro lunches with salad, 3 pieces of bread, drink, and side dishes. Excellent!
6. Cheap cheese, amazing bread, AMAZING bread!
7. Russian statues.
8. You do not need a CLUB for a car, cause you don't have one!
9. You can string together words with lots of consonants. Yhskalyiittjkulaitshtii
10. They get your birthday right on their IDS. Missouri, you suck. Its 8/30/83, not 8/03/83! I HATE YOU!

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