Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Top 10 Reasons Why Helsinki Is Better Than STL!

So here is my top 10 reasons why Helsinki is better than STL:

1. Public Transportation: It actually works here!
2. Stool Samples: Oh Finland, they still require feces to tell what is wrong with you.
3. Snow, not Ice. Snow is great, Ice sucks.
4. Free plotting! Yes!
5. 2 Euro lunches with salad, 3 pieces of bread, drink, and side dishes. Excellent!
6. Cheap cheese, amazing bread, AMAZING bread!
7. Russian statues.
8. You do not need a CLUB for a car, cause you don't have one!
9. You can string together words with lots of consonants. Yhskalyiittjkulaitshtii
10. They get your birthday right on their IDS. Missouri, you suck. Its 8/30/83, not 8/03/83! I HATE YOU!

Monday, January 28, 2008

first impressions

fabulous roommates who pick you up at the airport when you are the last to arrive...

cute apartment

i love walking

the light


school really does have connections...happy hour with juhani pallasmaa and two embassadors
(can't spell their names)

finnish is not an easy language to pick up, but carrot is spelled porkana

jen ate in on the ice first. it was a full on whipe out - both feet our from under her with arms
flying up to the sky

nan's got a bug

hopefully i'm capable of a full night sleep

First Post!

Hello from Helsinki, everyone!

I hope that as a group we are able to keep this blog updated pretty frequently. For those of you who don't know, we are a bunch of architectural master's students studying in Finland for the spring 2008 semester. We have been here for 3 days and so far things are great! We'll keep you posted on our experience.